I have been browsing other people blogs, and wondering how people have the time, energy, and that kind of stuff to be able to post every day. Perhaps I should try harder?
Today was taken up by some free computer help in the morning, a dash off to the council offices to sit on a committee for a licence hearing, a visit to the barbers, a run down to get some proper trainers for tomorrows gym, and then off to a customer in the evening. Lunch was a quick snack, and I was rather glad to get a pint in at The New Leathern Bottle (NLB) at about 8.45pm. Barney came with me in the car in the afternoon, and I also had to see that he got walked around a bit.
Thinking of the NLB, I have been meaning to blog about the excellent cider server there, and having found the list form the Castle Inn to add in my thoughts about the cider I tasted there. Tonight was a pint of Mild, as I had the car. Some of the cider is way too potent for driving after.
I mentioned the gym. The diabetic nurse thought that it might do me good to exercise a little more. I could only agree really. I used to feel much better when I was much fitter. The trouble is it is not easy to get fit when you don't feel fit
There was an interesting seminar given to councillors on Tuesday about the town centre. Lots of boring type stuff has still been going on in the background, but things are still inching ahead. We could be told nothing concrete, due to commercial confidentiality, but we were informed that there could be a major announcement in November, perhaps followed the month after by some cranes on the skyline of Bracknell. Still, at least the planning permission extension passed through the planning committee with no problem last week.
Tomorrow looks busy – Gym – sort car(s) out – customer – customer – Bracknell small business meeting. Barney will need walking as well. I think Diane has the day off, so perhaps she could do that.
Phew – At last I got some blogging done!
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