The Bracknell Standard reported on a previous development by stealth.
Yet again an application has gone in for more flats to be built at Christine Ingram Gardens.
The last application was for a certificate of Lawful use of flats already constructed within the building.
The opening up of these flats has been refused serveral times on different grounds. To complicate matters, the old barn is being used a business and is also taking up car parking spaces.
The result is an overflow of parking onto Lakeside, and a potential overlooking of properties.
These flats that the developer seeks permission for were included in the building when the place was first constructed. Residents took photographs of the stairways and carpets.
The last bit of the jigsaw was to get the certificate of lawfulness on the ground that these could be rooms in the roof, and then to issue this current planning permission.
There has been huge opposition to this development by residents. The planning committee has turned down applications time and again. Ultimately the legal and monetary resources of the developer may win.
It may be legal but it aint right!
PS 11/00015/FUL - 0 Christine Ingram Gardens, Bracknell, Berkshire
Conversion of roof space of blocks A and B to provide 6no. additional flats (3no. one bedroom flats and 1no. two bedroom flat in Block A, 2no. one bedroom flats in Block B). Provision of 9 additional car parking spaces and 10 additional cycle spaces and relocation of visitor cycle store.